Website presentation

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for the Trust in the digital economy, known as LCEN, we bring to the attention of users and visitors of the site the following information :

Owner’s status : societe
Prefixe : SA
Address : 11 Avenue de Cateranne 33600 Pessac
Phone: 05 56 46 40 60
With share capital of: 100 005 €
SIRET:  44141411700032
R.C.S.: Bordeaux
VAT Number: FR12441414117

Website Creator: Thibaut Soufflet
Publication Director: Éric Mottay
Contact the Publication Director:
The Publication Director is a natural person

Webmaster  : Maéva Atin
Contact the Webmaster :
Web host : Infomaniak Network SA, Rue Eugène Marziano 25, 1227 Les Acacias (GENEVA), Switzerland
Web host url:

Site content

The information contained in this site does not imply any contractual commitment on the part of VISUAL, who reserves the right to modify or correct it at any time, without prior notice.

This site has been designed to present:

  • The European VISUAL project
  • The partners of the VISUAL project
  • The main Work Packages of the VISUAL project
  • The news and events related to the VISUAL project
  • Contact informations and details about the partners

Intellectual property rights

All graphic, textual and computer elements on this website are protected by the French and European Intellectual Property Code. Any unauthorized reproduction or representation constitutes an infringement, punishable as such. All right reserved to © VISUAL Project and his partners : Amplitude, Fastlite by Amplitude, CNRS, InPhyNi, PhLAM, Femto-ST, JenLab GmbH, UITM Poland and FAU Germany.